Whisper Upgrade FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for users who have been upgraded from the legacy Whisper service to our new Whisper platform

  1. Account
  2. Whisper
  3. Whisper Reports
  4. Whisper Upgrade FAQ

We have sunset our legacy Whisper service as of 20/08/2024, and migrated all accounts and users onto our new Whisper platform. This FAQ is to give you more information about what this means for administrators of the service and for your community.

  • Why have you shut down the legacy service?

    The legacy Whisper service has been providing anonymous reporting for school communities for 15 years, the service platform has remained stable over the lifetime of the product.

    In 2019 we developed a new version of Whisper with improved security and upgraded features, with a view to eventually replacing the legacy service.

    We have taken the decision now to migrate the legacy service to the new platform as the lack of support for the software and infrastructure has meant that we are no longer able to provide the service in its current form.

  • What have you done to migrate my account to the new service?

    Here are some key details about your account migration from the legacy service to the new service:

    • If you did not have an existing account on the SWGfL website, we created one for you
    • Your user account was copied into your SWGfL account, if you didn't have one already
    • We created a new Whisper form, inbox, and added permissions for you to access them
    • We copied any previously sent messages into your inbox
    • We created accounts for your nominated Whisper contacts and added them to your new inbox, however:
      • The legacy system did not offer a login to nominated users, so we have sent them an activation email to enable them to complete account setup
    • Your legacy web form link will now forward to your new form link
      • If you wish to update any links, we have sent you a link to your new form via email
    • The legacy SMS number will continue to work with the new service
      • The new service has a new SMS number (07860 021 323) which you can also use, but please note that your SMS prefix may be different on the new service, to continue using your old SMS prefix, use the legacy number
  • What are the changes to the service that I should be aware of?

    There are a number of changes that you should be aware of as you transition into the new service:

    • You will still be notified of new Whisper messages via email, but you will now need to login to read messages
    • You can now reply to messages and the system will forward them to the anonymous user
    • Your form link and SMS number has been updated, but the old link and number will be forwarded to the new service and continue to work
    • Your form code and SMS prefix may be different in the new service. We have notified you via email of you new endpoint addresses. If you use the new SMS number, you must use the new SMS prefix to correctly route messages to your account
    • Replies from the SMS service will come from the new SMS number. If your SMS prefix has changed, users must send their initial message through the old number to continue using the old prefix
    • Where your prefix is the same in the legacy and new system, messaging through either SMS number with your prefix will work
  • Discover the New and Improved Whisper Service

    We have developed improved features within the new Whisper service, such as:

    • Two-way messaging - You can now reply to anonymous messages and chat, the system protects the user's anonymity
    • Multiple Inboxes - Users can now direct messages to different inboxes depending on issue
    • Improved Security - Messages are now kept with the system to protect user privacy
    • GDPR Compliance - Old messages are automatically deleted after a set period
    • Analytics - Insight into the issues you are receiving, helping you spot trends over time

    DIscover New Whisper

  • How do I access new Whisper?

    For administrators of a legacy Whisper account who previously did not have an SWGfL account, we have created an SWGfL account for you with the same login credentials. Simply access the new service and enter your login details.

    For administrators that already had an SWGfL account, your login details have not been updated, and you will now be able to access the new service through this login.

    User's who were previously sent Whisper messages, but did not have a login to the legacy service, we have setup an SWGfL account for you (if you previously did not have one) and sent you an activation email. Click the activation link in the email to complete your account setup.

    Access New Whisper

  • How does my community now send reports?

    We have redirected your legacy web form links to the new service, so when users go to your form, they will now be redirected to your new form.

    For SMS messages, the legacy SMS number will continue to work, but users will now receive replies from the new SMS number. If you SMS prefix remains the same, then your users will be able to use either number to send you anonymous SMS messages.

    For those accounts where we changed your SMS prefix, your legacy SMS prefix will still function through the legacy SMS number, but they will have to use your new SMS prefix to use the new number.

  • Inform your staff of the change

    Staff members who were setup on the legacy service will now have to login to the platform to access messages, and may receive an activation email to finish the setup of their new SWGfL.

  • Update links on your website (Optional)

    The link to your anonymous reporting form has changed, whilst there is a redirect in place, you may wish to update the links to your form to the new address.

  • Update your community messaging (Optional)

    Whilst the legacy SMS number will continue to function using your old SMS prefix, you may want to update your messaging to use the new number (07860 021 323) and your new SMS prefix.

    The new service has a poster generator which has all the details for your community to be able to send you anonymous messages.

    Generate a Whisper Poster