Whisper Report

Anonymous Reporting Form

The Whisper anonymous online reporting form provides a safe and confidential platform for students to report bullying and harassment. Reporting such incidents is essential in creating a safe and inclusive environment, preventing further harm to the victim and enabling prompt intervention by school authorities.

When a student uses the Whisper anonymous online reporting form to report bullying and harassment, they can be assured that their report will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

The information provided will be shared only with the designated safeguarding lead and child protection team, who will ensure that it is followed up appropriately.

Your Report

Using your real name makes it easier to help you, but you can use a different name if you want

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Anonymous Chat Notifications

This system lets you chat with us without revealing who you are. That way, we can ask you more questions if needed and tell you what happened with your report.

Your email address let's the system tell you when we reply. No-one can see your email address.