Whisper Report

Anonymous Reporting Form

This inbox is not checked everyday.

If this is an urgent safeguarding concern then please report on the out of hours Children and Families Front Door 01926 414144 option 3.


If a crime is being committed then please call 999.

If a crime has been committed then please call 101 or use the Warwickshire Police Online Reporting Tool.


If you require immediate support then please look at the Mental Health and Wellbeing links on our school website 


Your Report

Using your real name makes it easier to help you, but you can use a different name if you want

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Anonymous Chat Notifications

This system lets you chat with us without revealing who you are. That way, we can ask you more questions if needed and tell you what happened with your report.

Your email address let's the system tell you when we reply. No-one can see your email address.