Whisper Report

Anonymous Reporting Form

Thank you for contacting Circomedia about a concern regarding a student.  Please note that you can submit your concern anonymously or you can give your name. All reports are read within one working day and we will aim to respond to you within 48 working hours after we have recieved your report.

You will recieve an email or text (if you used text to send your report) to acknowledge your report. 

We will then investigate the allegation or concern and take action as laid out in our safeguarding policy. We may need to come back to you to ask some questions to help our investigation. Please be assured that throughout this process you may remain anonymous if you wish.

Please note we may not be able to share the outcome of our investigations with you because the information will remain confidential to the student.  Please be assured we take all reports very seriously.

Your Report

Using your real name makes it easier to help you, but you can use a different name if you want

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Anonymous Chat Notifications

This system lets you chat with us without revealing who you are. That way, we can ask you more questions if needed and tell you what happened with your report.

Your email address let's the system tell you when we reply. No-one can see your email address.