Whisper Report

Anonymous Reporting Form

Using whisper:

Anyone who sees something that they think is wrong or inappropriate is encouraged to speak up.

Pupils are encouraged to speak to anyone in authority with whom they feel confident talking. However, if you want to speak confidentially to a member of staff you can do so by using theĀ form on this page. All incidents that are reported will be kept confidential. However, if the incident is serious enough, such that either you or the person identified is at risk of harm or abuse, then this information may be passed onto a relevant member(s) of staff. In these circumstances you will be informed why this needs to happen and with whom the information will be shared.

Please do not abuse this facility. Issues raised here will be seen as serious and concerns and complaints will be followed up with vigour and sensitivity. Our experience is that wrongful behaviour does stop when it has been reported and dealt with, and that people who raise concerns do not suffer as a result of the telling. Poor, unpleasant or harmful behaviour can only exist and thrive in an atmosphere of secrecy where individuals are not open enough to talk about their feelings and what they see happening.

Your Report

Using your real name makes it easier to help you, but you can use a different name if you want

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Anonymous Chat Notifications

This system lets you chat with us without revealing who you are. That way, we can ask you more questions if needed and tell you what happened with your report.

Your email address let's the system tell you when we reply. No-one can see your email address.