Synthetic Media:
Support and Advice for Adults

  1. Tailored
  2. Topics
  3. Understanding Synthetic Media (Deepfakes)
  4. Support and Advice for Adults

Synthetic media is constantly changing; we’ve seen in the past few years how it can become more convincing and the emerging ways it is being used online. For many adults, synthetic media is expected to be something seen increasingly more in our daily lives, whether it be across the internet or on our social media channels; meaning we need to improve our understanding of what we view online and whether it is real or synthetic.

As AI technology and platforms used to produce synthetic content become more accessible to the general public, they can also impact us in different ways and be used to generate harmful and sexual content. As a result of this, we’re seeing more countries and organisations adopt legislation and policies around AI usage, including new laws criminalising synthetic sexual content, commonly referred to as a ‘deepfake.’

For adults who have been negatively affected by synthetic harmful and sexual content, it can be hard to know what support is available and who can help to get the content removed online. Below you’ll find advice on what synthetic harmful and sexual content can include, and where to reach out for support.

Synthetic Harmful Content

Synthetic harmful content refers to any type of media created or altered using artificial intelligence with the intent to deceive, misinform, harm, or exploit individuals or groups. Examples of synthetic harmful content can include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-generated content that replaces one person's likeness with another's, which can be used to spread false information or impersonate someone.
  • AI-generated content that mimics someone’s likeness, which could be used for fraud, blackmail, or spreading false information.
  • Content altered using AI to misrepresent facts or mislead individuals, in cases such as impersonation.
  • Content developed by AI that is used to abuse, harass or incite hatred against a community or individual online.

Support available for synthetic harmful content:

Synthetic Sexual Content

Synthetic sexual content is often referred to as ‘deepfake’ content and refers to any sexual or nude media created using AI that represents the likeness of another individual without their consent, which is a form of intimate image abuse. Examples of synthetic sexual content can include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-generated content that swaps someone’s face with another person’s nude body.
  • Content generated by AI, sometimes using ‘nudification’ apps, alters a clothed image to make it appear nude.

Legislation around synthetic sexual content

It is against the law in England, Wales and Scotland to share or threaten to share an intimate image without consent. This includes images which have been manufactured, edited or altered to become an intimate image.

To find out more about the law and current legislation around synthetic sexual content and intimate image abuse in the UK, you can visit the Revenge Porn Helpline’s website.

Support available for synthetic sexual content:

Emotional Support

The potential impact of harmful and sexual synthetic content, especially when it affects individuals personally, can be incredibly distressing. However, there is support available to support your mental health and wellbeing.

You can find plenty of services that can offer emotional support on the Revenge Porn Helpline and Report Harmful Content websites.