Data Protection Services

We have partnered with Firebird to provide a range of services for schools. From a fully outsourced service, to a pay-as-you go offering, we’re here to help you.

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  3. Data Protection Services

Data Protection Service icon, a handdrawn padlockIs your school confident it is fully complying with GDPR?

  • Does your Data Protection Officer (DPO) feel confident to give advice and direction when problems or queries arise?
  • Do you know when you should and should not share personal information?
  • Do you know what to do if a security breach happens and whether you need to report it to the Information Commissioner?
  • Are you carrying out GDPR and security checks on the companies you use, particularly when using on-line educational Apps and platforms?
  • Are you carrying out Data Protection Impact Assessments e.g. when setting up video conferencing, remote working or learning solutions or uploading pupil data online?
  • Do your employees, governors and volunteers feel confident about handling data securely and have they received training?
  • Do you know what information you should be releasing or withholding when you receive a Subject Access Request or a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request?
  • Are your consent forms, privacy notices and Data Protection Policy compliant?

If you’ve answered no to any of these questions, we’re here to help!

We've changed our service offer for schools as we know that for some schools, your Data Protection Officer may be someone you've appointed from within. We understand the challenges DPOs face when juggling their DPO duties alongside their other roles, whilst at the same time keeping up to date with their knowledge of the GDPR legal requirements.

Your DPO might be confident in managing day-to-day risks, but sometimes an issue arises that they may need some help with. That's why SWGfL has partnered with Firebird to offer a service customised to the needs of schools, as an affordable price point.

Provided by a specialist education Data Protection Officer (DPO) with over 20 years experience and holding a Masters Degree in data protection laws. Be assured that you will receive outstanding, education focussed, service and support. Testimonials from schools demonstrate just how valuable Firebird's support is.

The data protection services promoted on this website are delivered by Firebird, in partnership with SWGfL. For more information, queries or feedback, please contact Firebird.

Data Protection Services

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Don’t forget

All schools are required to process personal data in accordance with data protection law. This means that schools MUST appoint a DPO.

DPOs typically:

  • monitor data processing in the school
  • inform and advise the data controller and other staff in their use, or planned use, of personal data
  • manage the Data Protection Impact Assessment process
  • liaise with all stakeholders and external statutory agencies.

a DPO must be:

  • independent
  • an expert
  • adequately resourced
  • able to report directly to the senior leadership team.