Is working from home necessary or can staff make use of a location with higher bandwidth or more reliable connectivity? e.g. a COVID secure empty classroom/ office.
Provide portable equipment, or schedule use of the classroom space to provide an extended safe space for individuals to make use of existing, fixed equipment.
Maintain a central register of all online sessions.
Consider any obligations to ensure that filtering and monitoring systems are applied to school equipment.
Carefully consider how you will safely and consistently share content.
Ensure staff, including tutors, are reminded of safeguarding policies and procedures and in particular any changes.
Support teachers and tutors to understand their role in teaching online safety through the curriculum and activities that they deliver.
Reinforce teachers’ and tutors’ awareness of the need for appropriate professional behaviours whilst online (consider updating the staff behaviour policy/code of conduct).
Implement an approach to checking impact of curriculum content and tools on connectivity prior to use with children and young people.
Ensure teachers and tutors are prepared and confident in using online delivery tools
Provide support routes for staff, tutors, children and young people to obtain support for technology issues when accessing content online
Consider the development of an ‘induction’ session or pack/online content for staff, tutors, children and young people to support them to initially engage with the new blended learning approach.
Prepare communications to parents and carers in anticipation of online learning
Be mindful that not all children and young people will have unlimited bandwidth or technology available at all times of day.
Ensure that children and young people with SEND are considered in the planning and their access to blended learning accommodated
Determine if online sessions will be recorded and always follow local guidelines. If recording will take place, ensure that everyone is aware of this, with knowledge of how long the recording will be retained for.
Recorded learning offers a ‘flipped’ approach for children and young people to access content at a time and manner that suits them.
Live learning can be captured and converted into recorded content as long as the privacy of the children and young people is maintained in accordance with data protection laws.
Establish clear expectations for online sessions as part of any blended learning. Review the advice for schools in selecting a tutor, and set your expectations for any and all online learning.
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Updated version includes considerations for live teaching when students are present.