Reopening of Schools - Online Safety Considerations

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  1. Catalogue
  2. Resources
  3. Safe Remote Learning
  4. Online Safety Considerations for Reopening of Schools

We have put together a helpful resource that outlines the key points to remember when it comes to reopening your school. This also includes knowledge on online safety issues, communicating with your colleagues as well as actively working with children, making sure safeguards are considered, not to mention planning for future eventualities.

What is Included?

Online Safety Issues

  • Recognising that children may have had more exposure to technology during lockdown
  • How this could have impacted them
  • Without access, some children may be disadvantaged or isolated from their groups and peers

Wider Issues

  • What to be prepared for and how to support children after lockdown.
  • Recognising that lockdown would have been a different experience for each individual child.
  • Reflecting on online lessons and how to manage in the future.

What Schools Can / Should Do?

  • Remembering to remind and clarify safeguards to members of staff and highlight support routes to pupils and parents.
  • Keep online safety a number one priority whilst discussing opportunities and risks around newly discovered online platforms (e.g. video conferencing websites and apps)
  • Consider mental wellbeing of pupils.
  • Review policies, practices and safeguards as well as reviewing whether certain practices have impacted on learning.

Planning for Future Eventualities

  • Maintaining contact with children and allowing them to discuss worries and concerns.
  • Reviewing backup and contingency plans.
  • Updating staff training.
  • Preparing for a 'second spike'

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