Welsh Government: Online Safety in Education

We partner with Welsh Government to raise Online Safety standards in schools and colleges across Wales

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Online Safety Resources for Schools and Colleges in Wales

Welsh FlagSince April 2014, SWGfL has worked in partnership with the Welsh Government to raise awareness of online safety issues and to improve online safety policy and practice for schools and colleges in Wales.

A Welsh-language version of the award winning 360 degree safe self-review tool was available to all schools and colleges in 2014. Now, the updated and improved version of, 360 degree safe Cymru continues to support schools and colleges to assess and improve their online safety policy and practice. 88% of schools and colleges in Wales have registered to use the tool, which can be accessed once a staff member has logged into Hwb (the VLE for all schools and colleges in Wales).

Through our collaboration with the Digital Learning Unit at Welsh Government, schools and colleges in Wales can find a wide range of online safety, resources, advice and news available in the Online Safety Zone on the Hwb learning platform.

Writing on behalf of the Welsh Government, SWGfL produce resources on a variety of topics around online safety and digital wellbeing including screen time, body image and self-worth, online relationships, extremism, online bullying, social media, gaming and many more.

Online Safety Zone

Within the Online Safety Zone, you can find our extended and in-depth playlists for learners, educators, governors and parents and carers, as well as shorter guides for educators or parents/ carers.

Training and Safer Internet Day in Wales

We have delivered many training events across Wales on topics including online bullying, mental health and the internet and GDPR. We are working directly with Regional Education Consortia (RECs) in Wales to deliver bespoke training.

We also work in partnership with Welsh Government to run the annual Safer Internet Day campaign in Wales.

For online safety updates for schools in Wales, follow @HwbNews and #onlinesafetyzone or #parthdiogelwcharlein

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