Online Safety Review
Progress through 21 aspects of Online Safety, improve your practice, record progress and produce reports

When you are able to show good practice you can apply for the nationally recognised Online Safety Mark

Multi Academy Trusts
Track and monitor progress across your Trust and individual academies , identify areas of strength and development, and drive change
Empowering Schools to Improve Online Safety
Schools need to keep children safe, but it can be difficult to know where your strengths and weaknesses are. The DfE's Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance sets out a number of online safety steps schools need to take to ensure that children stay safe online.
While schools and academies can pay for online safety reviews to be performed by other organisations, many lack the expertise to really help schools improve.
The self-review approach used in the 360 safe tool is more empowering, helping schools and academies to own their improvements themselves.
360 degree safe provides schools with free access to our online safety expertise, and helps school to both identify and demonstrate improvement in online safety provision.
In partnership with Education Scotland , we have created a version of the tool for schools in Scotland and in partnership with Welsh Government, , a dedicated 360 safe Cymru tool is available, accessed by logging in to Hwb.
360safe Features & Benefits
Encourage collaborative review of online safety provision within your school
Receive immediate feedback and suggested actions to help your progression
Create an Action Plan
Log sources of evidence, comments and action points within your account
Easily compile and print a wide range of reports
Compare and benchmark your responses with national benchmark levels and those of other schools using the online tool
360 degree safe is free to use for schools in England, Scotland, and Wales. For access by Multi Academy Trusts read our 360 degree safe for Multi Academy Trusts page.
360 degree safe is a well-designed, user friendly, online tool for schools to review their online safety provision. It helps them identify strengths / weaknesses & develop an improvement action plan