In the rapidly changing environment that encompasses the online world professionals can find it difficult to keep pace. Young people constantly find new and innovative and often dynamic and productive ways of using new platforms and technologies. Those same young people however can be risk takers and can come across situations that can expose them to a wide variety of dangers. Those dangers manifest themselves to professionals across all protective services in a number of ways.
From managing expectations of victims, preservation of evidence, emotional impact of incidents, understanding Internet reach and protecting their own integrity, issues can be complicated. The South West Grid for Learning have identified a lack of structured training for protective services and other agencies and have now created a practical and engaging one day course to tackle this.
The course, designed by the experienced multi-agency team at SWGfL aims to provide professionals working with children and vulnerable adults with a much needed tool kit of practical advice and resources. The day is based around a number of scenarios. Each of the scenarios tackles an identified online safeguarding issue. Amongst the subjects will be ‘Sexting’, online radicalisation, reputational and personal management and grooming.
The natives of Silicon Valley learned long ago that when you share your knowledge with someone else, one plus one usually equals three. You both learn each other's ideas, and you come up with new ones. -- Vivek Wadhwa
Sharing professional experiences and knowledge between disciplines in a safe environment makes this course invaluable to those at the front end of online protection. Supported by a knowledgeable facilitator and a suite of useful resources, including two national helplines, here is your opportunity to add to your skill base whether employer or employee. Full details of the course including learning outcomes and aims can be found at Online Safety Training