The word ‘lockdown’ may not be as impactful as it once was when we first heard it a year ago. Having said that, it can still bring a sense of worry, confusion and uncertainty about what the future may hold. Especially now when schools have been asked to change the way they operate, it can seem a bit like Déjà vu is happening throughout the country. Although things may seem like they are repeating themselves, that’s not to say some good can’t come out the current situation.
In response to the January 2021 lockdown measures, we would like to offer our support by donating two of our products to schools and the wider community free of charge for a trial period whilst measures are in effect. We understand that communication and awareness are vitally important for the current time and with Reputation Alerts and Whisper, you can take back some control and still feel connected to your community.
Why Reputation Alerts?
Members of the public have the opportunity to talk about all aspects of the school through a variety of channels whether it’s social media, media outlets or discussion forums. Regardless of whether it is good comment or bad, your online reputation is constantly being moulded around posts such as these. What’s frustrating though? It is very easy to miss what is being said!
Having such an instant, accessible means to express opinions can often deter people to communicate in person, especially now when in-person interactions can’t easily take place. The days where praise and complaints are met with a letter and stamp can be few and far between. If you’re happy or angry, a keyboard is the place to go!
Having control over our online reputation can be challenging, especially as the internet is such a vast, accessible field. That’s why, with this donation, you can take control of your online mentions. Reputation Alerts reports who has been talking about your school and opens opportunities to respond to positive and negative comments in a quick and easy manner.
Why Whisper?
If you remember back, we’ve already been here! The initial lockdown in 2020 meant pupils, parents and staff had limited means to make contact with the school for anonymous purposes. Our donation of Whisper last year opened up new lines of communication within the school community, giving voices back to those in lockdown and allowing an anonymous method to report safeguarding concerns. Throughout the donation, Whisper reached over 35,000 pupils!
We understand that although the school communities may feel better prepared this time around, there’s still a struggle to maintain safeguarding responsibilities, especially with the current limitations surrounding communication. That’s why the donation is open again for schools to use as soon as possible. Don’t let lockdown silence your community!
Moving Forward
Many of us will look back at how we coped throughout the last lockdown. If anything, we should feel better prepared for what lies ahead. More importantly, it gives us a chance to try new things and experience new methods of operating within the school community. What struggles did you encounter throughout last year? Were there things you would have done differently?
Now is the time to reflect and adapt. SWGfL will always be here to support those who need guidance. Our Safe Remote Learning Hub still contains vital information that can help with the transition. Not only that but our helplines are still continuing to operate. We hope our donation will help you over the coming weeks, please make the most of what they can offer and take back some control.