Save the Date: Safer Internet Day 2025

Save the Date: Safer Internet Day 2025

Mark your calendars! Safer Internet Day 2025 is set for Tuesday, February 11th. This year's theme is: Too good to be true? Keeping yourself and others safe from scams online‘

Exploring the Theme

We’ve all encountered suspicious emails, texts claiming to be from our bank, or pop-ups announcing that we’ve won something. Scams can come in various forms and target anyone, including young people. This Safer Internet Day, the UK Safer Internet Centre is starting a dialogue on how to identify, respond to, and report online scams of all types.

Young people have shared how scammers are infiltrating their favourite platforms—tricking them into sharing game items or currency, or enticing them with fake social media giveaways and ads offering everything from concert tickets to exam papers. Our campaign for Safer Internet Day 2025 will expose the tactics used to deceive you, your family, and your finances.

Show Your Support

Safer Internet Day 2024 was our largest event yet, reaching 52% of young people in the UK. We need your help to make Safer Internet Day 2025 even bigger! By registering as a supporter and sharing your plans for the day, you’ll be featured on our UK map showcasing the diverse activities happening nationwide.

Register Your Support

Exciting Resources on the Way!

We’re preparing a range of educational resources and helpful tips:

  • For Schools and Youth Groups: Our resources will support discussions about online scams, helping young people understand the risks and how to stay safe online.
  • For Parents, Carers, and Grandparents: Our advice will provide guidance on how to protect loved ones from the evolving tactics of online criminals.

Research and Insights

Our research will explore the true impact of these issues and give young people a platform to share their experiences and ideas on tackling online scams. We’ll expand on existing work around online financial scams and sextortion and look at the future of scams, answering questions like:

  • How will emerging technologies, such as generative AI, change the way scammers operate?
  • What actions can the government and internet industry take to combat these threats?
  • What changes do young people want to see to better protect themselves in the future?

Together, let’s make Safer Internet Day 2025 an event to remember as we work towards a safer online environment for everyone.

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