Safer Internet Day 2024: What Was The Impact?

Safer Internet Day 2024: What Was The Impact?

Safer Internet Day 2024 once again made an incredible impact, reaching more young people across the UK than ever before. According to recent data, an impressive 53% of children aged 8-17 were aware of the day's significance, with 32% of parents and caregivers also acknowledging its importance.

The theme of Safer Internet Day 2024, "Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online," seemed to resonate deeply with schools and organisations nationwide. Embracing this theme around staying safe online, various organisations contributed to the day's success through a series of initiatives and activities that were held on February 6th 2024.

Key Statistics and Data

Key statistics from Safer Internet Day highlighted how many people we reached and how they engaged on the 8th February:,

  • Over 1.6 million views of Safer Internet Day Films
  • More than 96,000 downloads of Education Resources
  • The #SaferInternetDay hashtag held the top position throughout the day on X
  • Over 25,000 young individuals engaged in the online quiz to test their online safety knowledge
  • Extensive media coverage, reaching a staggering 600 million people through over 2,000 pieces of coverage

How Did People Celebrate?

The day itself saw widespread participation, with schools, youth groups, and organisations joining forces to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2024. Social media platforms all got involved with the #SaferInternetDay hashtag appearing across so many online platforms. Additionally, over 1.6 million viewers tuned in to watch the Safer Internet Day films designed for educators, young people, parents, and caregivers.

The impact of Safer Internet Day extended beyond just participation withfeedback from educators showing the profound effects that were seen within educational settings:

  • 95% reported that students felt more confident about staying safe online
  • 85% acknowledged the resources' helped reinforce student learning
  • 73% expressed increased confidence among staff in addressing online safety concerns
  • Notably, 53% of teachers reported disclosures regarding potential online safeguarding issues, highlighting the day's role in fostering open dialogue and awareness.

The Safer Internet Day impact report delves deeper into what was seen, exploring its influence within schools, settings, and organisations across the UK. As we have once again seen, Safer Internet Day continues to empower individuals of all ages to navigate the online world safely and responsibly, with findings highlighting how the day has become a staple in the online safety calendar

Read the full impact report

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