Revenge Porn Helpline and SWGfL Announce the Launch of

Revenge Porn Helpline and SWGfL Announce the Launch of

The Revenge Porn Helpline, operated by SWGfL, is delighted to announce the launch of We have worked closely with Meta to develop a new platform to protect people threatened with the sharing of intimate images without consent. This collaboration between the Revenge Porn Helpline, SWGfL and Meta will go towards protecting and supporting those who are impacted by intimate image abuse around the world. represents a significant change in approach by the tech industry. For the first time, anyone affected by threats to share their intimate images will have the means to protect themselves in their own hands, taking control away from perpetrators. The sharing of an intimate image without consent can leave a victim feeling vulnerable and powerless. With this new platform, victims can take protective action to ensure that what was intended to be private, stays private.

Using innovative technology, allows those being threatened with intimate image abuse to create unique identifiers of their images, known as ‘hashes’, without the image ever leaving their device. The hashes are then submitted to the bank from where they will be shared with participating partners. If an image is uploaded to the platform that matches the corresponding hash, the image will be moderated. If it meets the criteria of an intimate image, it will be removed and blocked from any further sharing across all partner platforms.

This new, accessible approach to adult safety online is available as a free service to support anyone in need. Intimate image abuse, commonly known as ‘revenge porn’, has grown in prevalence year on year, with cases reported to the Revenge Porn Helpline rising exponentially. 2020 saw an 87% rise in reports to the Helpline and 2021 is already 25% higher again. represents, for the first time, the opportunity for people to protect themselves without ever losing control of their images.

Sophie Mortimer, Revenge Porn Helpline Manager at SWGfL, said — represents a sea-change in the way those affected by intimate image abuse can protect themselves. At the heart of the work developing this tool have been the needs of victims and survivors by putting them in control without having to compromise their privacy. has been designed to be simple and easy to use, with detailed signposting to additional support and advice, giving back agency at a time when someone may feel utterly powerless.

The Revenge Porn Helpline team at SWGfL have brought their years of experience working with victims in the UK to the development of and we are very grateful for the support of Meta in funding and technical expertise to support this new platform.

 Antigone Davis, Global Head of Safety, Meta —

The sharing of non-consensual intimate images (NCII) is abhorrent and we don’t allow it on Meta’s platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. We’re proud to partner with the UK Revenge Porn Helpline to launch a new, secure platform that combats the proliferation of this content. serves people across the globe, and is the first of its kind to empower victims by giving them a private and secure tool to proactively stop the spread of their NCII online. will help us in our ongoing work to remove NCII on our platforms, and we look forward to our continued partnership with the UK Revenge Porn Helpline to provide safe solutions and support for victims.

Participating platforms at launch are Facebook and Instagram and the Revenge Porn Helpline invites any platform that allows users to upload content to participate in this groundbreaking project. The more platforms that join, the more protection the Revenge Porn Helpline can offer to people affected by intimate image abuse. Simply get in touch at and be part of the end of intimate image abuse

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