Last month SWGfL launched the latest version of our award winning online safety tool 360 Degree Safe. The new and improved tool was restructured to both reflect school needs in the modern landscape whilst minimising the impact on users. Some of its many features include a brand new design and layout whilst having more data, tools, and reporting features to help schools track their progress. Furthermore, it works on mobile and tablet, so is multi-platform compatible.
What Happened?
Existing users were automatically transferred onto the new model whilst new users were offered to register for free via the 360 Safe Website. In preparation for the launch we took to social media to find out how schools currently reviewed their online safety policy and practice.
The response we got showed that the majority of schools currently did not review their online safety policy and practice and those who did, monitored it primarily through internal meetings.
In the current climate, those who do not monitor are unable to protect staff and pupils when online. Internal meetings may bring online safety to attention but doesn’t provide a clear overview of progress or what is considered an acceptable standard of policy and practice.
We are pleased to say though that over 13,500 schools have been successfully transferred onto 360 Degree Safe 2.0 with new members registering each week. Now, each school can see the benefit of its new features and design. Follow the links for information regarding existing users and new users.
What has been the response?
The feedback has also been exceptionally positive, with many schools commenting on how much the tool has improved, particularly in its accessibility:
Much more user friendly now, a great improvement to the tool!
Zoe Mcevoy – Moss Park Junior School.
To get a full insight into how 360 Degree Safe 2.0 was effectively used, we asked Stour Federation Shipston Primary School and Acorns Primary School to undertake an OSM (Online Safety Mark) assessment to review how 360 has shaped their policy and practice during the lockdown period.
Having worked so hard on our 360 Degree Safe application, we were determined to proceed with our assessment. Overall, we felt the assessment was very thorough and gave a true representation of our online safety ethos across our federation
This improvement to the tool has come after over a decade of helping schools with 360 Degree Safe. Professor Andy Phippen, Professor of Digital Rights at Bournemouth University said on the 10-year state of the nation report:
We have seen 360 Degree Safe grow from a tool used by a small proportion of schools to one helping over half of the schools in the country understand and improve their online safety policy and practice. As the person who has been looking at the data the tool provides for these ten years, it is good to see schools have certainly greatly strengthened their online safety provision, and it is clear, as a statutory safeguarding requirement, it is in far better shape than it was in 2009
If you still haven’t used the tool yet to shape your schools online safety strategy, there’s no better time than now to start your journey. Join the 13,500+ schools moving the UK forward, one school at a time.