Online Safety Index Highlights How Schools Across England Perform in Online Safety

Online Safety Index Highlights How Schools Across England Perform in Online Safety

The latest School Online Safety Index report has been released, providing a detailed view of how schools across England are performing in online safety, aggregated by local authority area. The index reveals significant variations in how schools’ approach online safety, highlighting both areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

Top 10 Local Authority Areas Leading in School Online Safety

We are pleased to celebrate the top 10 areas where schools have demonstrated a commendable approach to online safety. Schools in these areas have shown consistent dedication to creating safer digital environments for students through effective policy implementation, rigorous safety education, and strong data security measures.

The top 10 performing areas in the 2024 index are:

  1. North Somerset
  2. Swindon
  3. Dorset
  4. Plymouth
  5. Cornwall
  6. Hampshire
  7. Somerset
  8. West Sussex
  9. Bristol
  10. Wiltshire

These local authority areas represent regions where schools have integrated comprehensive online safety strategies, engaging stakeholders from students to staff, and utilising best practices that make a significant impact on the ground. Their high performance reflects ongoing commitment and proactive engagement with resources that support safe and responsible digital use.

Understanding the Bottom 10 Performers: A Call for Collaboration and Support

The index also identifies the bottom 10 areas where schools show potential for growth in online safety practices:

  1. Lincolnshire
  2. Essex
  3. Reading
  4. Peterborough
  5. Greenwich
  6. Leeds
  7. Rotherham
  8. West Berkshire
  9. Nottingham
  10. Hounslow

It is important to note that these rankings are an aggregation of school performances within each area and do not directly reflect the efforts of the local authority itself. Many schools in these lower-ranked areas may already be taking meaningful steps to enhance online safety, and we recognise that each area may face unique challenges that affect their aggregated performance.

Encouraging Engagement and Offering Support

Rather than serving solely as a ranking, the School Online Safety Index aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement. We understand that online safety in schools is a multifaceted challenge that requires collaboration, support, and shared learning. To help schools in these areas, we invite all local authorities and educational leaders to participate in targeted workshops, engage in open dialogue, and share best practices to elevate their online safety efforts collectively.

360 Degree Safe, a free and comprehensive resource that has supported schools for over 15 years, remains available to all. It offers a robust framework to assess and improve online safety strategies, and we encourage all schools, regardless of their current ranking, to fully utilise the insights and tools provided.

Recognising Progress and Moving Forward Together

The index is a tool to reflect the current state of school efforts in online safety across local authority areas. While some areas are highlighted for their achievements, we also acknowledge the progress being made in others. We are committed to supporting all schools and local authorities in working together, sharing challenges and solutions, and utilising available resources to close the gaps in online safety standards and ensure a safer digital environment for every child.

About the Index

The School Online Safety Index is an annual report that evaluates school performance across a range of metrics, aggregated by local authority area for convenience. It covers aspects such as policy implementation, education programs, data security, and more, providing a comprehensive overview of online safety efforts to serve as a benchmark for continuous improvement.

Online Safety Index

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