Netflix Launches Updated Parental Controls

Netflix Launches Updated Parental Controls

Netflix announced it has updated its parental controls with some new and improved features for the online service. They have included these to ensure that families around the world can get the most from their viewing experience, as well as allowing them to make informed decisions about what is right for their family.

The new features include:

  • PIN protection for individual profiles.
  • Creation of filters - preventing children from watching TV shows or films that are not age-appropriate.
  • Restriction of specific title(s) from showing up anywhere in an individual profile if not wanted.
  • Access to what children have been watching within their own profile, created for them.
  • The ability to disable auto-play of episodes in children's profiles.

Netflix has also provided a very useful ‘How to’ guide on setup and a breakdown of its new features.  You can read about it all in the link below.

How to setup NetFlix Parental Controls

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