The new term is in full swing and there’s no rest for the movers and shakers at SWGfL HQ and on the road. It’s been a busy month with the launch of “Online Safety Boost” – your one stop shop for e-safety tools, our interactive map detailing e-safety events in Wales and a number of workshops and events both hosted and attended by our team. Here’s a snap shot of what we’ve been up to:

- Connectivity upgrades implemented in 51 Schools during September. Find out more about our Schools Internet Service or see if you’re eligible for Superfast Broadband by calling 0845 601 3203 and asking to speak to one of our specialists.
- 280 teachers attended one of our final Barefoot workshops in order to better equip them to teach the new computing curriculum to primary school pupils. Watch this space for more exciting educational opportunities!
- In the last month over 4000 pupils, teachers and professionals across the country, from Cornwall in the West Country to Lanarkshire in Scotland with stop-offs at Twitter HQ in London, attended an Online Safety Awareness raising session or one of our 25 hosted Online Safety Briefings.
- 29th September 2015 – First e-Safety training workshop in Wales
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- Check out our interactive maps for e-Safety events in Wales at
- 14th September: Broadclyst Primary School held their first Education Event in their purpose built state-of-the-art facilities. The theme was “Decoding the Future” – Creating a world-class education system for 21st Century Britain. Including guest speakers such as Regional School Commissioner, Sir David Carter and the Chief Executive of the National College for Teaching and Leadership, Charlie Taylor, the event was attended by school representatives and industry professionals alike. We look forward to future events at this Cornerstone Teaching School.
- 1st October 2015 - NOW LIVE!! Online Safety BOOST – your online safety toolkit can be accessed via where you can watch the informative video or visit the FAQ section to learn more.
- 7th October 2015 – IP EXPO Europe Conference - IP EXPO Europe is Europe’s Number 1 IT event for those looking to find out how the latest IT innovations can drive their business forward. A representative for SWGfL went along to find out the latest.
- For more stories and to see our updated Online Magazine