Although online safety and cyber-security are closely related, there are significant differences between the two. Take a look at what these are in our article
28th March 2022
Take a look at our coverage of VPN’s, from what they are, to how they are used and what advantages and disadvantages there are around using them. Find out more in this article and take a look at our latest resource.
10th March 2022
A joint committee of MPs joined to scrutinise the draft online safety bill and to make further recommendations for improvement before it goes to parliament and finalised in 2022. Today, the report on the draft bill has been published with the following recommendations.
14th December 2021
This week we hosted our first Cyber Secure Schools live event with Bitdefender. Joining us was the University of Kent, Phoenix Software Ltd, The Department for Education and CysecAware. Watch the session here and find out what was discussed in this informative two hour event.
14th October 2021
Despite the complexity we may associate cyber security with, the basics are fundamentally down to how we as individuals respond to oncoming attacks. Beyond the security software and privacy features we may include, we are ultimately there as a last line of defence. Find out more in this article
11th October 2021
For Cyber Security month we're running down the top 5 things to remember when it comes to protecting your information online. We've also included helpful resources and links to give you all the information you need.
7th October 2021
We are pleased to join with Bitdefender along with some of the leading experts in online security to bring you a free CSS event, Cyber Secure Schools taking place on Wednesday 13th October at 13:00. Book your free tickets here!
4th October 2021
Scamming is one of the most common online risks being posed to the public. Despite our best efforts to protect ourselves, there are many ways that scammers can target us, exploit our information and leave us feeling exposed. Find out the most common ways to spot a scamming attack and how you can best protect yourself.
17th September 2021
Our subsidiary company Edtesa is putting on its first webinar which brings together our leading online safety experts to talk about the importance of building a positive work environment. Get your free tickets here.
5th August 2021
SWGfL are proud to offer cyber security training from Mimecast to support staff in identifying common cyber-attacks whilst raising awareness about protecting and improving defences. Find out about human error and what schools can do to protect themselves.
6th July 2021
With so many anti-virus and security software companies all offering their products to you directly, it might be confusing to know which product is best and what the best price is. Find out how Bitdefender can protect your school at the best price.
2nd July 2021
The National Cyber Security Centre has released a new game to help children and young people learn about cyber security. Cyber Sprinters is a runner game that can be played online and is aimed at children aged between 7 – 11.
1st June 2021
Today, we have launched Edtesa! This online platform offers UK businesses and organisations a suite of digital tools to assist in online safety practice whilst also supporting the development of healthy, positive work environments.
6th April 2021
Want to develop your IT skills in a fun and engaging way? Then look no further, Cyberland needs your help!
18th May 2020
Trend Micro are offering free access for six months to Trend Micro Maximum Security, their consumer internet security product, to support schools with home working and home learning.
24th March 2020
1 in 5 British schools and colleges experienced a cyber-attack, with 50% of those being targeted by a phishing scam according to research last year. For those attacked, the loss of data (82%) and the costs involved in putting things right (47%) were the two greatest concerns.
19th February 2019