SWGfL Online Safety Day 2020

Read all the latest guidance and resources from leading online safety professionals

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  3. Online Safety Day 2020

Online Safety Day was met with hundreds of people from all over the UK, coming together to hear the latest news in online safety. The day brought together leading professionals from SWGfL, Childnet, Internet Matters and Facebook to share their own guidance for the new school year. We have broken down the event to make sure you have everything that was included from the day.

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David Miles is Facebook’s Safety Policy Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa. He has more than twenty years of executive management experience within the technology, regulatory and charitable sectors including IBM, Compaq, the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) and British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

David gave an informative talk about online safety whilst referencing the Facebooks Family of Apps resource which we worked togther on along with Childnet.

Download Facebook Apps Resource


David Wright who is the director for SWGfL as well as for the UK Safer Internet Centre then took over to discuss the latest resources we have supplied to schools throughout the lockdown period.

Safe Remote Learning

Video Conferencing Guidance

Reopening of Schools: Online Safety Considerations

Online Tutoring

Safer Blended Learning

He went on to talk about the effects this time has had towards children online and gave professionals several ways in which they can develop their online safety for the new school year. This included the online safety self review tool 360 Degree Safe along with Project Evolve which is the groundbreaking digital toolkit to guide professionals in their curriculum to support online safety responsibilities.

COVID 19: Expectations and Effects on Children Online

360 Degree Safe

Project Evolve


360 Early Years

Internet Matters

Carolyn Bunting from Internet Matters then spoke about the essential work they do in online safety whilst discussing their Connecting Safely Online hub which helps to support parents, carers, and young people with additional learning needs. She went on to introduce the brand new Inclusive Digital Safety Hub that continues to support parents, professionals and young people with SEND with a library full of resources and a forum specifically designed for professionals to discuss their concerns.


Connecting Safely Online Hub

Inclusive Digital Safety Hub


Will Gardener from Childnet took the helm to discuss Safer Internet Day 2021along with a variety of resources that Childnet provide, including the digital leaders programme and the PSHE toolkits.

Safer Internet Day

Childnet Resources

PSHE Toolkits

Digital Leaders Programme

The day was finished off with a Q & A from the leading professionals answering questions put forward by the attendees.

Printed Resources

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