Whisper Bundle (Primary)
Get Started Online safety is an ongoing concern for education professionals, and the need for reliable, consistent tools and guidance has never been more critical. Feedback from professionals tells us that a barrier to effectively dealing with incidents is a perceived lack of knowledge and expertise. ProjectEVOLVE Safeguarding directly addresses this gap through its range of video tutorials, knowledge consolidation and the comprehensive Incident Response Tool. Used together, these tools will empower professionals to be more confident in their approach to managing online issues and aligning with best safeguarding practice. With ProjectEVOLVE Safeguarding, schools can stay ahead, working to ensure that safeguarding incidents are responded to swiftly and effectively.Why Choose ProjectEVOLVE Safeguarding?
Professionals Online Safety Helpline
The Professionals Online Safety Helpline (POSH), from SWGfL and the UK Safer Internet Centre, supports any professional working with or for children in the UK, with any online safety issues they, or children and young people in their care, may face. If you need additional support with the children and young people you work with, we're here to help you.
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